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Wow, this was surreal! The artwork is whimsical and suits the theme. I especially liked the dream sequence and the animation there. I hope you will add an in-game menu in a future build because I missed having an Auto Mode option. Other accessibility options would be great too.

The characters and the mystery make me want to learn more about the world and lore. Please keep developing this further!

Oh man, I love surreal stuff, so this was right up my alley, especially with the dreamscape sequences which were beautifully done :3 I really like what you've done with the quotes on the title screen too! That's such a cool idea. There's so much to unpack in this even if it is a demo. I don't want to say any spoilers, but the sense of foreboding was so great that when I reached the part that said it was the end of the demo and to check back on itch in a few days, I was like, whaaaaat? Nooo T_T You can't end it here x3 So I guess I will have to be patient and check back! Haha.

(Apologies for the double post here and on your jam page! I just don't know if the jam comments end up getting lost or something, so I always feel like it's better to post in both places.)

Good luck with the rest of development :3 It's a really intriguing story you've got going on!